Full Spectrum Inclusive Support
For all avenues and outcomes of pregnancy & parenting - fertility, pregnancy prevention, planned termination, adoption, miscarriage, loss, stillbirth, antenatal, birth, VBAC, multiples, surrogacy, IUI, IVF, antepartum, postpartum, peer breast/chestfeeding, birth story listening, LGBTQ2IA+, intentional support of all bodies, genders, and sexualities
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“If everything were relative & nothing absolute - what would you choose for yourself? ”

Love Notes
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MY Intention is
to see you. hear you. feel you. believe in you. trust you. hold space for you. be your witness. shine a light for you. remind you. be a mirror. accept you. empower you. meet you where you are. walk it with you. lift you up. be in community with you. respect you. support autonomy. be a resource.
Why I’m Here
I was born a wild woman, but it took a parenthood journey to find her, and invite her to the table. This profession lives inside me as deeply as my four children did/do. It allows me to make an exclamation of gratitude for all those who showed up to help me uncover my ability to be with my whole heart in this work. I believe in it. In us. To be in it with each other- no matter what the outcome. In it’s ability to bring us to the precipice. To present us with a hero’s journey- even in our rawest moments that feel as if they will swallow us whole - we can say yes or no; and mean it. We have agency to choose what, when, where, who and if at all. My work is alive in every single person who believed in me, fought with me, and reminded me of who I was. This work is my testimony of resilience, empowerment. To doing things on our own terms, at our own pace.